The regulations around hearing testing, noise induced loss and compensation have been changed. Previously, Audiometric Officers undertook hearing tests on each employee working in a prescribed noisy workplace commencing with a Baseline screening test at the onset of employment. These results were collected by WorkCover, WA, who also policed the calibration and approval of equipment used to take these tests. If a subsequent screening hearing test showed a significant change from the baseline, that worker would undertake a full hearing assessment with an Audiologist and then an Otolaryngologist to determine the cause of the hearing loss. This formed part of a Hearing conservation Programme set up by each employer designated as a prescribed noisy workplace.

The new system has changed:

  • There is no requirement for a regular screening hearing test.

  • A worker in a prescribed noisy workplace can request a full hearing assessment with an audiologist every 2 years.

  • The audiologist will determine the degree of hearing loss and submit a report to Workcover WA

  • If the hearing levels show a greater than 10% total hearing loss, the employee is given a list of Otolaryngologists specialising in determining percentage hearing loss from noise at work, noise, age, medical or other causes.

  • The regulations still include a hearing test to be completed on each new employee entering a prescribed noisy workplace within 3 months of starting that job.

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Here at Summerlin Audiology, we:

  • maintain calibration on all equipment.

  • employ Audiologists qualified to perform full audiological assessments.

  • accept referrals of employees for full hearing assessments.

  • will determine the percentage loss of hearing at an assessment. Should the assessment record a greater than 10% loss, we will undertake further assessments to clarify the likely cause of that hearing loss: medical, noise at work, other noise, genetics, etc.

  • submit results to WorkCover and, where appropriate, direct the employee to an Otolaryngologist prescribed by Workcover.

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In the meantime, if you already have a Hearing Conservation Programme in place, we would advise you to continue this, keeping the results in house with copies to the employee similar to the previous regulations. Audiometric officers or Audiologists could do this screening work although equipment calibration should be maintained. There is considerable value in maintaining hearing test results over an employment period to aid in the decision of suitable hearing protection and follow any hearing changes. Moreover, these results will help the specialists to determine the likely source of the hearing change.